
We believe that Scripture is completely sufficient for everything we need as believers (2 Timothy 3:16). We know that God’s Word brings faith (Romans 10:17) and grows us as we sit under the sound teaching and then respond by doing what it says (James 1:22-25). For those reasons, here at GLC the teaching ministry is an integral part of our gathering on Sunday mornings.

Below are a couple samples of the teaching from the Elders of Geneva Lakes Church for you to get an idea of the teaching that takes place on each Lord’s Day.

If you are a regular attendee of GLC CLICK HERE for the password protected weekly teaching. Contact any of the elders if you are in need the password.

We password protect the sermons to encourage people to “not forsake the assembling” on Sundays (Heb. 10:24-25) while meanwhile desiring to provide a resource to those who may be sick or would like to listen to a sermon again.

a Reformed Baptist church in Lake Geneva, WI